Your teeth are only part of the story.

If you suffer from jaw pain, headaches, TMJ, TMD, or teeth grinding, choose Holistic Dental. Our advanced T-Scan and DTR treatments go beyond traditional methods, ensuring lasting relief and improved holistic health.

Book your consultation today and start your journey to a pain-free life.


Meet Dr Cavan ho

I specialise in TMJ/TMD, jaw pain, headaches, and bite issues. As the first Certified UK Disclusion Time Reduction Therapy (DTR) Provider, I leverage advanced diagnostic tools such as T-Scan bite analysis and electronic muscle sensors (EMGs).

These technologies allow me to objectively evaluate the relationship between your bite and any dysfunction in your jaw and head. We turn the discomfort you’re experiencing into measurable data, presented clearly in video format. By identifying and addressing the root cause, how your teeth come together, we can effectively resolve these issues.

My goal is to offer a holistic healthcare approach, delivering a personalised and judgment-free experience for each patient. I prioritise clear communication and often think out loud, keeping you informed and actively involved in your care.